Open Divisions

Men's and Women's

Check in: check in & start times will be emailed out by Wednesday prior. Tournament will take place on Saturday only. For teams that don't get into the main draw, we will have a qualifier tournament on Friday. 
Cost: $160/team (24 team cap per gender. The top 20 teams will get an automatic berth into the main draw. The remaining 4 teams will be decided via the qualifier)
Format: 24 team cap. Double elimination match play; Winner's and Contender's Brackets
*indoor and outdoor courts will be used  
Prizes: 1st-3rd cash, 4th-9th cash and/or In-kind, see prizes tab

Men's and Women's Qualifier

Check in: Friday afternoon @ your net. 
Cost: $60/team
Format: Single elimination match play bracket. The top 4 teams will earn a berth into the main draw on Saturday. (The entry fee from the qualifier will go towards the entry fee for the main draw for the teams that earn a berth).

All Other Doubles Divisions -
Men's, Women's and Coed Doubles

Men's A/BB

Check in: Saturday PM @ your net 
Cost: $95/team
Format: 1 round of Pool Play, followed by an elimination bracket 
*indoor and outdoor courts will be used
Teams: We can take 18 A/BB teams
Prizes: 1st-2nd In-kind see prizes tab

Women's AA/A/BB 

Check in: Sunday AM @ your net
Cost: $95/team
Format: 1 round of Pool Play, followed by an elimination bracket 
*Outdoor courts will be used for AA and indoor courts will be used for A/BB
Teams: We can take 12 AA teams and 18 A/BB teams
Prizes: 1st-2nd In-kind see prizes tab

Coed Open & A/BB

Check in: Sunday PM @ your net 
Cost: $95/team
Format: 1 round of Pool Play, followed by an elimination bracket 
*Outdoor courts will be used for Open and indoor courts will be used for A/BB
Teams: We can take 12 Open teams and 18 A/BB teams
 Prizes: 1st-2nd In-kind see prizes tab